CGW Webinar Hero Image 2023


September 19th, 2023


11:00 am EDT



Comprehensive Clinical Molecular Results Reporting:

Faster Than You Can Say 'Clinical Genomics Workspace'

Clinical molecular laboratories produce valuable NGS results when they can confidently assess detected biomarkers for medical meaning.

Velsera’s Clinical Genomics Workspace reveals clinical insights for genomic and other biomarkers in oncology and inherited disease indications, enabling your laboratory staff to rapidly assess, interpret, and report patient management impact to the ordering clinician. 

What will you learn?

  1. How to issue a customizable, user-friendly clinical report with concise, actionable options for the treating physician.
    1. How to rapidly identify important genomic variants, structural alterations, and other biomarkers such as tumor mutation burden (TMB).
    2. How to review and report approved targeted therapies, practice guideline recommendations, emerging associations from clinical studies, and clinical trial enrollment opportunities.
    3. Ways to utilize interpretations from the Velsera Knowledgebase and peer laboratories in the Velsera Network in your report.
  2. How to automatically retrieve previous reporting decisions and interpretations for a biomarker in the subsequent patient case and identify new evidence quickly.

Watch the recording:

Meet the speaker.



Surya Saha, PhD

Dr. Saha is a Technical Program Manager in the Scientific Programs team at Velsera. He has a background in computer science, databases, omics analysis and biological data management and integration. He has worked with cross-matrixed teams of geneticists, molecular biologists, engineers, product development managers and software developers on a range of genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, metagenomics, microbiome and transcriptomics projects across academia and industry.

His role at Velsera is to develop data integration and interoperability strategies to empower computational and experimental research based on scalable and cloud-agnostic analysis of large biomedical datasets. Prior to joining Seven Bridges, now known as Velsera, he led the bioinformatics efforts in several large agricultural consortia handling multi-modal data types.

He leads the NIH-funded Cancer Data Aggregator program at Velsera, integrating multi-omics data from Cancer Research Data Commons for users on the Cancer Genomics Cloud platform. He co-manages various programs on the NIH-funded CAVATICA platform, including the Gabriella Miller Kids First program for childhood cancer and birth defects, the INCLUDE project for Down syndrome, and the NIH Common Fund Data Ecosystem collaborative program. He actively participates in GA4GH and NIH Cloud Platform Interoperability meetings, guiding the development of open standards and specifications.

Dr. Saha trained as a postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University following which he led a number of plant, plant pathology and arthropod multi-omics projects as a Senior Research Associate at the Boyce Thompson Institute. He earned his Ph.D. in computer science from Mississippi State University.

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