
We are excited to announce the release of dbGaP Submission Form Suite!

This is a new RShiny App on the Cancer Genomics Cloud (CGC) that streamlines the way a CGC user can submit their data to dbGAP! The dbGaP Submission Form Suite app allows a user to easily import, map and prepare their data for import into the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP). Users can easily export the metadata from a CGC project into this tool then transform it using the user interface to match the dbGAP submission form. Once the data is transformed, all that’s left is to download the excel file, and upload to dbGAP.

To access the dbGaP Submission Form Suite app on the CGC, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the CGC.
  2. Create or open a project that you want to use for data manipulation with the app. If you don’t already have the data in a project on the CGC, you can upload it beforehand. Note that the data doesn’t have to be in the same project from which you are launching the app.
  3. Click the Interactive Browsers tab. Available interactive apps are displayed.
  4. Scroll down to the Custom interactive apps section to find the dbGaP Submission App card.
  5. On the dbGaP Submission App card, click Open. The app opens in a new tab.
  6. Click Yes to allow the app to access your CGC resources. The app’s landing screen is displayed and you can now start loading data.

For more information, please follow along with our detailed guide.

Questions? Send us an email at CGC@SevenBridges.com